Wednesday, March 30, 2011

End of an era, beginning of another.

That's it. My life's in cases, or in the careful hands of friends. I just finished handing back my lovely, if tiny, NY pad.

By quick mental count I've had about 15 sets of visitors in the 24 months of residence. Hell's Kitchen's been kind to me.

I'll miss it all, I'm fairly sure the number of delivery places on the trail is lower than the 200+ that I've become used to, but hey fewer 6am horn blasts or late night singers. (Though the singers were usually lead by me so that's probably one for the neighbors.)

Tonight's my last in NY for a while, I'm excited, scared, and a million other things, but mostly I'm behind schedule, so I'll post this and move on.



  1. tl;dr - trying not to keep hungry bears waiting.

  2. Awh bye bye apartment - it looks so empty!! Glad I was one of the 15 visitors :)
    don't get eaten by squirrels - they are scarier than they look...believe me

  3. Chuffed to have been one of those 15 sets - and it was the most memorable arrival in a new city I think we ever had...

    Good luck hitting the trail, dude.

  4. Mate, I'd like to see a weekly full body photo (clothed) update of your self. Beard, belt line, tan, bear injuries, etc..

  5. We'll miss your AirCo machine...

  6. Hard to let a good apartment go in NYC.
